
my daily life on a cattle farm, my love of agriculture, and stories behind my photos

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Farm Chick Favorite

LiFe Is BeTtEr WiTh CoWs ArOuNd...
love this shirt!
Absolutely LoVe this shirt! It is so incredibly perfect for me! Life is better with cows around...so very true! My life is definitely better with cows. Cows make my heart smile!

I follow Davis Country Store on Instagram. So when I saw this shirt, I just had to buy it! It is so cute!
life is better with cows around
Looking forward to wearing this adorable shirt this summer :)


Sunday, March 1, 2015

Cattle records prepared for 2015

laptop and tablet sit at my desk in my farm office

Last fall, I purchased a Dell  laptop and tablet.  On my laptop, I recreated all of my spreadsheets used to keep records on our Shorthorn cattle herds...bulls, calving, calves, health program, replacement heifers, weaning weights, and pregnancy checking. All records are printed and kept in binders, as well. Our cattle records are always easily assessable.
Through One Drive, I am able to view all cattle records on both my laptop and tablet. If I have my tablet in the barn or out to the pasture, I can update or view cattle records at that moment. Pretty amazing!
This is my first tablet, so I am pretty excited to use it on the farm. This year, my plan is to purchase barn cameras to be used for calving season. I will be able to view the barn cameras anywhere from my laptop or tablet. So exciting!